Lilypie Baby Ticker

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Some Progress . . .

We found out today that both the DNA test and the court hearing/social worker interview did indeed take place on Monday. That is good news and means that things are progressing as they should . . . Next big event should be the DNA test results. We should have them in the next week or two. If we have a match, the results will go to the US embassy in Guatemala. We then need to wait for pre-approval from the US embassy. Apparently, this could take up to 60 days. The Embassy is very behind right now and they are supposedly just processing cases where the DNA results were submitted around September 12th. The Embassy just hired 3 new employees to help speed up case processing. After that, we should enter PGN, where we wait to get approved or we are told we need to fix something. Once we get PGN approval (which could also take a few months)we will be very close to bringing Dominic home.
It is very, very hard to not know when this will all be done. I am sure that everyone can understand. There is nothing we can do but wait and hope that everything goes smoothly. It's really hard to explain to people why this process takes so long. Every case is different. Some move fast and some are very, very slow. I don't know where we will be. This process is frightening and thrilling at the same time. I won't lie . . . I am EXTREMELY afraid that something terrible will happen to our documents. I am EXTREMELY afraid that our case will get held up some where. I am EXTREMELY afraid that it will take a very, very long time to bring our baby home. The worst part is there is nothing we can do about it.
A long time ago, I asked my Nana to cross-stitch my favorite prayer for me. If you have never seen it, let me tell you that my Nana was an AMAZING cross-stitcher!It was the last handmade gift I received from her. It is the most beautiful thing that I own (next to my engagement ring, of course!). We have it hanging in our dining room, and I look at it every morning before I leave the house. The Serenity Prayer reminds me to let God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. So I am going to be wise and understand that there is not much that I can do right now but hope for the best, enjoy every day, and continue loving my life :) Thank you for all of your prayers and kind thoughts!

Hi!!! Here's the link for the onsie -
you are doing great. I pray all the time that it will be sooner than later! Love you guys!

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