Lilypie Baby Ticker

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


Hello from Princess the Cat!

Hi everyone! It's me, Lisa and Frank's favorite feline. I need to vent for a minute. I don't know about this new guy. He came into my house and took over my crib. He sleeps in it all night! I tried to cover it with cat hair to keep him out of it but his mommy just washes the sheets. He has so many more toys than I do and his are bigger. I tried to take some of them and hide them with my toys but his drool made them way too slippery. The thing that really drives me nuts is when Lisa puts him in my Pack n' Play when she needs to go to the bathroom or wash dishes. He HATES the Pack n' Play . . . he just screams and screams when he is in it! He did take ONE nap in it though; check out the picture. I tried to give him the evil eye to wake him up but it didn't work. And what's with all the milk he is getting? Lisa KNOWS that I LOVE milk. Not only does he get tons of it, but she feeds it right to his mouth! I am getting used to all the noises he makes. It drives me nuts when he cries. I cry all the time and I don't get what I want . . .why does it work for him? Well, I feel better now that I got that off my chest. I need to go exercise . . . for whatever reason, Lisa has been giving my TONS of treats. I'm thinking that she feels a little guilty . . . hey, that works for me!

Be Wery, Wery careful, Princess! It looks as if you may have been dethroned.
Adios Princess. No mas lovin's for you! Better go find yourself another home.

Okay, just kidding. P, I hope the guilt trip works for ya.
Just don't start peeing in locations other than the litter box like my one cat - it'll tick your mommy off to no end!

My cats totally know how Princess feels!
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