Lilypie Baby Ticker

Monday, April 03, 2006


Our Poor Little Guy!

Our little Dominic received a nasty present to welcome him home . . . the rotavirus. He's been in the hospital since Saturday morning. He has been quite a trooper considering how bad he feels. I had the same thing while we were in Guatemala. Frank got it Saturday night and Grandmom has it now. Grandmom took came to the ER with us to help on Saturday. Grandpop took Frank home from the hospital yesterday. Nana and Grandpa spent the afternoon with Dominic and me in the hospital yesterday. Frank is with him now and I am taking aquick break. Please pray that he feels better soon. I really want to bring him home FOR GOOD. He LOVES flirting with all the nurses and they are absolutely loving him back. Thanks for your prayers!

Awww poor little guy. I pray he gets better quick. We're also back from Guatemala. I'm so happy to finally have Isabel home. So far so good, no colds or anything although this morning she seemed a bit stuffy. We're just trying to get in some sort of routine now. Keep us updated on Dominic and how's he's feeling.

I am so sorry Lisa..Sending lots of hugs
Prayers and lots of love and prayers coming your way.
Feel better soon Dominic! Lots of love and prayers headed your way!
we will keep Dominic in our prayers, call when you and Dominic are up for a visit!
Love, Maureen
We are praying that Dominic feels better soon! Can't wait until he's feeling well and ready for visitors!
Amy, Tony and Alyssa :)
Poor Dominic! My nieces and their parents all had rotavirus this winter, it was awful. Hope he makes speedy recovery and comes home for good!
Oh, get better soon, Dominic!
Any news? Dominic has so been on my mind along with his new parents.
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